When looking at education options, you consider much more than a four-year experience for your son or daughter. The decision of where the next level of your child’s development will begin should hinge upon the big-picture question: where do you want your young adult to be after graduation?
Even more than that . . . who do you want your young adult to be?
At Washtenaw Christian Academy, we find a common desire in the heart of every family who enrolls their students at WCA—a desire that, for us, is a conviction. Like any parents, they want their children to graduate with good grades, high test scores, a head start in college preparation, and the opportunity to go to premiere colleges and universities where they can thrive.
But WCA families want more than that, they want their children to grow to be compassionate adults, responsible citizens, influential leaders in the community, and strong adherents to their faith.
Parents don’t have to choose between schools that can develop their children academically and those that will develop their children holistically. We do both, and we do so with excellence. The facts about our graduates offer proof:
- Attend renowned colleges and universities, including Cornell University, Loyola University—Chicago, University of Michigan, Calvin College, Cornerstone University, Ferris State, Indiana Wesleyan, Spring Arbor University, and Wheaton College, to name a few.
- College majors include: Law, Business, Pre-Med, Chemical Engineering, Advertising and Marketing, Counseling & Psychology, Psychiatry, Music Production & Engineering, and many others.
- Enter the formal mission field and commit their lives to share the Gospel.
- Join the military to serve our country and protect our freedoms.
- Enter the workforce as entrepreneurial employees with integrity offering viable solutions to dynamic markets.
We invite you to come see for yourself, not just who WCA is, but who our students are and how we help them follow their God-given calling of being servant leaders who impact the world for Christ. We guarantee you will notice the difference in how WCA focuses on the student, and you will notice how that focus will change your child’s perspective on what education is all about.
See for yourself what makes WCA different. School does not have to be a daunting experience—it should be a formative adventure to realizing each child’s true potential.